You are the architect of your body

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Diane Divone
Your body is built by the ways you live~Body Sovereignty

Picture: A view from my window. A maize and a work of art. Similar to your individual body. You are a priceless masterpiece, an individual work of art. You cannot afford to lose sight of the invaluable treasure you are as a healthy human.

You are the architect of your own body! You are the builder of your being!

You are your own creator! Your body responds with each breath you take, with every thought you think.

Disease isn’t something that happens to us, it is sculpted minute by minute by our thoughts, actions, movements, foods, etc. This may not be a popular thought and these words might agitate you by creating discomfort in your body. Example: breathing changes, sweating, not finishing this blog because you don’t like the words you are reading :-) or many other ways that your body is signaling discomfort or possibly agreement.

However, after 3 years of 2 weeks to flatten the curve I no longer hold back my words or thoughts. I really am not that concerned anymore with how anyone receives my words. What I am focused on is continuing to follow my truth while I am in this physical body.

This is your life and you can live it in any way you choose. And as I have been saying for these 3 years but really for the last 50 years of my life, the operative words are “choose and choice.”

The biggest question that I think each of you needs to ask yourself is “How am I living?” And the next deeper question is “Who am I looking for to take the burden of my body, mind and life off of me so I don’t have to dig deeper into what and why I am ill?” Who can you shift the responsibility to? A medical person or an agency would be my guess. That takes the so called “burden” of your own accountability and your body sovereignty off of you.

Is your body flourishing or declining?

What you MUST do is decide that want to live in a healthier body. Start by taking inventory of how you are living, ex: eating, sleeping, who you associate with, exercising, etc. Or are you going to continue believing that someone else is going to come and save you? You must start questioning everything you have been “taught” about illness and diseases. Diseases don’t just happen to you. They do not come out of the blue, like when someone says “and then all of a sudden XXX happened.” Insert whatever illness or situation fits in the XXX position. Not possible! YOU create all of this! Feel into that statement. I know, it sucks to think this way. But diseases and illnesses are not something outside of each of us. They are birthed internally through, as I stated above, thoughts, daily behaviors, eating, sleeping or lack of sleep, food choices, multiple pharmaceuticals, etc. And this is not to say that things won’t happen to each of us no matter how we live or that certain medications are not beneficial for short periods of time.

However, it’s how we meet the challenge when these “things” happen that will create a different outcome. Things will invariable happen so the time is NOW to prepare yourself by being proactive in your body, mind and emotional life. It is the only way for each of us to move through the possible challenges that illnesses and life itself can create. By being motivated you will hopefully not encounter a diagnosis that will create a spiraling in your bodily systems. If you start NOW you will be in collaboration with the experiences and perhaps be more confident in yourself while you are building a strong foundation that won’t easily collapse.

Most of the disconnect and desire for outside input is based on the fear of disease and the fear of how it’s going to kill you. Go ahead, be honest with yourself.

Scenario: You get a diagnosis and then all you can think about is how it’s going to kill you? or This can’t be true? Insert your own sentence_________________________ Then will your insurance cover this? Or how much will this disease cost me? What am I going to do now? How did this happen? These are just a few of the questions that might pop into your head.

It’s a gross amount of negligence on your part to think that you didn’t have a role in your disease. A real predicament as far as I am concerned! And one that can be “cured” by your decision to take your body back and take charge of your health. You’re lying to yourself and I will add a bit delusional if you think taking care of yourself takes too much time.

Think about how much time it takes to go visit doctors or be in a hospital. These have become a common thing for most in our westernized medical cabal culture. I find this quite sad and at times it also stokes the fire that burns deep inside of me and keeps me centered and tethered to my knowing that I am always in charge of my body. Doctors visits and hospitalization will NEVER be normalized in my reality. That thought alone creates a fierce desire in me to not be a part of this system of sickness and greed.

What are your thoughts? How are you going to rally for wellness instead of collapsing into a diseased body and mind.

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