
Be Steadfast In PRAYER -You Are Under Attack!

“Your need for prayer- keeping you in prayer is a mighty work, worthy of God alone. This is the very heart of Satan's plot against you and the community. ‘Keep them out of prayer.’”

Be Steadfast In PRAYER -You Are Under Attack

Mother Clare. October 24th, 2023

The Lord be your strength and inspiration, family, and may He keep you steadfast in prayer.


Jesus began, “Today there is a great deal of chaos going on in the world. Thank you for curbing your appetite for news. If you need to know it, I will tell you, but I prefer you turn a blind eye.”

And He has been dealing with us about that for a while. He likes to give us the things to pray for, not for us to go curiosity seeking to see what all is going on.

But Lord, I feel so handicapped in prayer without the news.

He replied, “It is just as well. I do not want you thrown into fear.”

I understand. What is on Your Heart, precious Lord?

“Your need for prayer- keeping you in prayer is a mighty work, worthy of God alone. This is the very heart of Satan's plot against you and the community. ‘Keep them out of prayer.’”

Wow. And I would guess for the whole world. The same kind of thing is going on.

Lord, I do not want to be this way.

And what I am talking about here is constantly being distracted, dropping prayer, and doing something else, and then coming back to it and I am being distracted again, it has been terrible.

He continued, “I know, so I am going to help you. Stay in prayer until I release you. Let every other concern pass you by. Stay in prayer, this is so absolutely essential to you and to Me. I cannot speak freely with you, nor guide and direct you without your commitment to prayer.”

And guys, I have never had this problem before. I should not say that- I mean, I have never had it this bad. Prayer is always the first thing that came in the daytime, until I really could touch the hem of His garment. And then, I would feel the release, lately with the community and the business of running a community it is a lot more complicated, not like it was when I was alone.

I asked the Lord, what about going down to Penasco?

He said, “After prayer.”

And I said, what about music?

“After prayer. All things, after prayer. This is your mainstay, and you must not allow Satan to continue knocking you out. He knows precisely what he is doing and what affect it will have on you and the community.”

I am sorry Lord, somehow, I just do not get it.

I am dense, guys. If you did not know that before, you are going to find out now!

Jesus continued, “That is why I am speaking to you directly. You cannot afford to be out of prayer, especially right now when many things are being planned against you. I am serious Beloved; they are planning a campaign against you and every individual here in the community. But again, they will not succeed if you are prayed up and loving.”

Why do they even try, Lord?

“Because they think you will let your guard down and not pray or be prepared. That is why you have been so scattered, but I am here to warn you and help you stay grounded.”

Thank You Lord.

“What else can I do with My little princess?” He said. “I know what you are up against, you do not. That is why I am calling you into substantial prayer. If you obey, they will not succeed. Also, pray for them.”

Lord, please help my enemies to want Your goodness.

He pulled me close to Himself and said, "Just rest here. Stay here, there is so much I want to impart to you, so much. There is healing to be done as well. That is why I want you to stay right here, on My Heart.”

Oh, Thank You Lord, I am so glad you are confirming that.

“I am.”



“Stay here on My Heart. You will learn and understand all things when you stay in My Heart.”

That was the end of His message.


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