
The Real Dr. Fauci - The Movie


The Real Anthony Fauci
Register Now to Watch for FREE 
The Real Anthony Fauci Movie!
The Real Anthony Fauci (therealanthonyfaucimovie.com)

Dear Friend,

We're just a few days away from getting to see and know the real Anthony Fauci.

Throughout the pandemic, the truth has always been here. 

Organized forces have worked diligently to suppress the truth and misrepresent data. We have seen them consistently demonstrate a real and blatant disregard for true science.

Their continual suppression of truth threatens our democracy, our health and our freedoms.

Soon, you will have the opportunity to see suppressed evidence, learn of Fauci’s disastrous COVID-19 pandemic response, understand his deep conflicts of interest with the pharmaceutical industry and be a witness to the history of his devastating abuse, torture and medical experimentation on children and animals.

We’ve partnered with our friends at Jeff Hays Films to transform Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s bestselling book, “The Real Anthony Fauci” into a compelling documentary that exposes Fauci’s past and present atrocities.

Because the real truth has always been here, you can now see the film, streaming for FREE beginning Oct. 18, 2022!

By registering below, you'll have a link directly connecting you to this riveting film — straight to your inbox — as soon as it's released.

Together, we can bring light to truth by sharing these unimaginable revelations with those around us.

By sharing this link with everyone you know and encouraging them to register, you'll be partnering with us and truth-seekers around the world — who value true medical integrity, free from the corruption and deception of captured agencies, pharmaceutical industries, mainstream media and Big Tech.

Register Now to Watch for FREE 
The Real Anthony Fauci Movie!
The Real Anthony Fauci (therealanthonyfaucimovie.com)

Join with us and many others to bring the truth to the world and reveal “The Real Anthony Fauci.”

In truth,

The Team at Children's Health Defense

P.S. It’s so easy to share this truth with your friends and family and encourage them to register as well! 


You Make It Possible

Children's Health Defense depends on generous donations from our community. Large or small, every donation gets us closer to achieving our goals.

Listen to what RFK, Jr. has to say.

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Children's Health Defense | ChildrensHealthDefense.org

Our mission is to end childhood health epidemics by working aggressively to eliminate harmful exposures, hold those responsible accountable, and establish safeguards to prevent future harm.

Children’s Health Defense
852 Franklin Ave., Suite 511
Franklin Lakes, New Jersey 07417
Contact us




3 Bình luận


2 năm trước kia
lock him up
1 0 Đáp lại


2 năm trước kia
Here is the link to the Movie "The Real Anthony Fauci", Part 1 and Part 2.
Only available for a few more days FREE. Please watch it while you can.
1 0 Đáp lại

John Hryn

2 năm trước kia
Together the world will see the real agenda that has perpetuated the world. A harsh judgement will certainly not suffice.
1 0 Đáp lại
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