19 Views· 09/06/22· Non-profits & Activism

3 PRAYERS that will BURN THE DEMONS - Fr. Mark Goring, CC

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⁣Shoulders of Giants
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Alyce-Kay Ruckelshaus

3 years ago
Father Mark always has deep and wise things to say. He's one of my favorites. Btw, just a slight bit off subject, but because he always says Viva Christo Rey, it made me think ... Have you ever watched the movie, "For Greater Glory"? It's about events in Mexico in the 1920s ... and ... I can't say it's like America today, but ... it's got a chilling resemblance. I feel like it's important to watch. Viva Christo Rey was the battle cry of the Cristeros.
1 0 Reply


3 years ago
I wasn't aware, but I'll look for it. Thanks!
1 0 Reply

Alyce-Kay Ruckelshaus

3 years ago
@dtwalsh: Oh, I'm pretty sure you'll love it and be inspired by it. I know you said you're not on social media, but if you have an Amazon membership, you can rent it online there (it's free if you have Prime). (I've been asking PureFlix to get more Catholic movies, and they've been wonderfully responsive, but I don't think they have that one yet.) Your local library might have it.
1 0 Reply


3 years ago
@Alyce-Kay Ruckelshaus: My daughter and her family have both Amazon Prime and she is a librarian, too! Odds are pretty certain I'll be able to find it. Thanks, again!
1 0 Reply


3 years ago
@dtwalsh: I meant to say both Amazon Prime and PureFlix.
1 0 Reply

Alyce-Kay Ruckelshaus

3 years ago
@dtwalsh: Prime, Pureflix, and a librarian. You've got it made in the shade.
1 0 Reply


3 years ago
@Alyce-Kay Ruckelshaus: Continued... The Council of Trent was largely an effort to unify, but more accurately to control or rein in the masses of Catholics, which given their lack of education and widespread illiteracy, may have been a reasonable action. Vatican I attempted to address more current issues for a better educated yet conflicted congregation, but also seized more control, for instance through the establishment of papal infallibility ("ex cathedra"). Vatican II, which appalled vast numbers of Catholics, many of whom left the Church, finally began to open the Church after nearly two millennia with symbolic as well as real practices (including the concept of individual conscience, which can be perceived by the Church as a relinquishment of control) in its determination to update itself and solidify its relevance in a modern world. Martin Luther caused Catholics to leave the Church. Vatican II did the same. Question: How would Pope John XXIII, who introduced Vatican II, have been viewed in Luther's time? Two of the greatest leaders with which Christianity has been blessed. Men are imperfect. St. Peter was imperfect. Popes have been imperfect. Structures are imperfect. But a foundation laid by Jesus Christ is invulnerable for all time, human and structural imperfections notwithstanding! Just one more comment, Alyce-Kay.
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Alyce-Kay Ruckelshaus

3 years ago
@dtwalsh: I've noticed that about Vatican II3. I'm curious about which side of the aisle you fall on3. The fallout from Vatican II was very difficult for me to deal with as I began to fall in love with the Catholic Church1. I had to accept that the Church is led by fallible men2. My priest encourages me to repeat over and over, "The gates of hell will not prevail against it0." I absolutely love the way you stated that (starting with "Question") 0. If you delete our conversations, please, please copy that down0. It's lovely.
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3 years ago
@Alyce-Kay Ruckelshaus: Got it, I think! I need to get something out of the way. Will call in about 5 minutes.
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