218 بازدیدها· 09/25/22· موسیقی

Robert Kiyosaki: 2008 Crash Made Me Billionaire, Now 2022 Crash Will Make Me Even More Rich

279 مشترکین

Robert Kiyosaki: 2008 Crash Made Me Billionaire, Now 2022 Crash Will Make Me Even More Rich
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پیش 2 سال ها
This incredible advice from Robert Kiyosaki will leave you speechless. You definitely should pay attention to this wise man.
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great video
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Dena Thorp

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Sharon Leonard

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Great post! Thank you!
1 0 پاسخ

Tamara Kurmanalieva

پیش 2 سال ها
WOW! I need to learn from Robert Kiyosaki!!! I am zero in business.
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