8 Vues· 11/18/22· La musique


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Questions on Protecting Your Wealth with Gold & Silver?
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What if you woke up tomorrow? The stock market's crashing, interest rates spiking, and your credit and debit cards were frozen. Nothing was working. Would you panic because you're not prepared and out of choices? Or would you thank your lucky stars that you were properly positioned in advance? Your critical breakdown was in the foundation of our financial system, that indicates that we are very close to a collapse.

U.S. Treasury Market is the foundation of the entire global economy and is in deep trouble. Liquidity is now at a critical level, which is the ability to buy and sell without huge price swings. That's evaporated like the foundation of a house during an earthquake. This foundation is so fragile that the Treasuries openly discussed programs identical to what Third World countries have done in the past.

Jerome Powell has told us they will also bring some pain to households and businesses, and you should believe them because of the Treasury market freezes. Everyone's standard of living will be impacted. Do you think this can't happen here? It's already happening in the U.K., So let's see what the data says coming up.

📖 Chapters:
0:00 US Treasury in Trouble
1:21 Liquidity & Forced Selling
4:25 Foreign Holdings at Federal Reserve
6:14 US Losing World Reserve Currency Status
9:47 Markets Having Trouble Trading
15:02 10-Year Treasury Price Volatility
16:56 Drawdown = Selling
21:00 True Value of Gold
23:54 Set Up Your Strategy

🔗 To see Lynette's slides, research links or questions from this video: https://[a]www.itmtrading.com%2Fblog%2Ftreasury-to-collapse-economy-markets%2F[/a]


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FYI: ITM Trading is comprised of Precious Metals and Economic Experts. We are not financial planners, nor do we do general financial consulting. We are Gold & Silver Strategists. We sell Gold & Silver to Strategic Investors who want to protect their wealth with the proper types, dates, and qualities of precious metals. For more info Call: 877-410-1414

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If you're not already in a protected position for The Global Reset, call us for your free strategy consult now: 877-410-1414


If you want to know what to DO about all of this, that's what we specialize in at ITM Trading. How do you protect your wealth for the next collapse and complete financial reset?

Yes, Gold and Silver, but what types, what dates? How much of each? What strategy? And what long-term plan?

If you're asking these questions, you're already ahead of the game...

We're here to help, as our mission is to safeguard the public from the inevitable downfall of the dollar, global markets, and the current real estate bubble. As our Chief Market Analyst, Lynette Zang has over 50 years of experience in economics, banking, and currencies. Along with our entire team of consultants from financial backgrounds; we've spent the last 25 years developing a complete strategy designed not only to protect our clients from standard crashes and recessions...but to position them properly for a complete currency collapse and economic Reset (which is the stage we're now in).

We are the most recommended precious metals company in the industry for a good reason because we create lifetime relationships with our clients and facilitate strategies for lifetime security.

Find out if you're adequately protected today…

Helping Protect Your Future, Freedom, and Legacy
Call Today for Your 1st Strategy Session: 877-410-1414

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