62 المشاهدات· 04/06/23· الحيوانات الأليفة الحيوانات

Best Black German Shepherd Puppies – 7 weeks old on April 6, 2023

Best Black German Shepherds
3 مشتركين

⁣High Drive Puppies, 100% West German lines, working dogs. 8 puppies in the litter. 4 still available for sale. 2 all black and 2 dark sables. If interested, text 775-BEST-DOG.

In these uncertain times, best personal safety solution is a strong deterrent. And nothing deters like a black German Shepherd, or a dark sable German Shepherd. Visit the website www.BestBlackGermanShepherds.com.

Website has not been updated because we don’t breed more than a litter or two a year now. However, we were chosen as the No 1 all black German Shepherd Breeders by the SV and were the only North American Kennel mentioned by name in Gordon Garrett’s book, “The German Shepherd Dog History”.

Puppy prices are $4000 with $4500 pick of the litter. Link for deposit is ⁣https://bestblackgermanshepher....ds.com/reserve-your-

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2 تعليقات


منذ 2 سنوات
I love them!
0 0 الرد

Sharon Leonard

منذ 2 سنوات
Absolutely adorable!
0 0 الرد
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