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Change Your Life in One Minute - Matthew Kelly - 60 Second Wisdom

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⁣Shoulders of Giants
This channel presents original commentary across a variety of subjects (health, finance, politics, etc.) as expressed by thought leaders who seek to freely disseminate their knowledge via any and all platforms across the globe in their efforts to elevate both the human condition and human consciousness. The source from which each video was first webcast is displayed within each video, and all viewers are heartily encouraged to follow these experts for deeper insights.

Change Your Life in One Minute - Matthew Kelly - 60 Second WisdomCan one minute change your life? In these sixty seconds, Matthew Kelly explains a simple one minute exercise that will inject your life with passion and purpose, change the way you see everything and everyone, focus you on what matters most in your life, and give you the courage to reject the things that don’t matter at all.Get Matthew’s 60 Second Wisdom delivered to your inbox: https://www.matthewkelly.com/subscribe Transcript:"One minute that will change your life. My five-year-old Ralph came into my study the other night, to say goodnight, I gave him a huge hug and a kiss, he’s just delicious. And I said to him, I love you for two forevers. “No daddy,” he replied. I said, “What do you mean?” He said, “There is only one forever. I said “Really?” He said, “Yes, this life is not forever, we are only passing through this life, the only forever is in heaven.” Alright, so let’s take a beat and sit with that for a minute, this is coming from a five-year-old.[Ralph]“This life is not forever.” [MK] “It isn’t?”[Ralph]“No. We are just passing through this world.”Powerful! Take one minute every day for the rest of your life to think about the fact that you’re just passing through this life and soon you will be dead, and I guarantee you, you will live more passionately, more purposefully, more intentionally every day for the rest of your life."If you have not read LIFE IS MESSY, order your copy today: https://amzn.to/2TTgZKn Subscribe to Matthew’s YouTube Channel today! https://www.youtube.com/c/Matt....hewKellyAuthor/featu Matthew’s 60 Second Wisdom delivered to your inbox: https://www.matthewkelly.com/subscribe The Best Version of Yourself and 60 Second Wisdom are registered trademarks.#MatthewKelly #BestVersionOfYourself #60SecondWisdom #BestVersion

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Alyce-Kay Ruckelshaus

2 years ago
What a wise little man! There's been some obviously good parenting going on there! I pray that he holds that in his heart for the rest of his life.
1 0 Reply


2 years ago
Sorry, Alyce-Kay, for the cloak-and-dagger methods. The truth is I would very much enjoy opportunities to discuss such matters with you, to know your questions about scriptural interpretations and Catholic teachings, to hear about your journey to Catholicism, to learn about some of the truths you have discovered through your faith and perseverance. I believe we both have a good deal to offer. We both share a critical common denominator, that being two ears willing to listen, sadly a relatively rare feature of most ears these days. I have scattered today's comments around for privacy. Included in the first two comments, at the end of the first ten sentences are numerals which comprise those of my telephone number. As I have previously confessed, I am a very slow typist. I would welcome a chance to engage in some of these lengthier topics over the phone with you. If you have trepidations I understand. Look at all the nonsense I just went through in the interests of privacy, a dwindling commodity nowadays. If you try to call and I am unable to answer please leave a message. If I have fouled up the comments and you are unable to discern my phone number, please let me know and I'll try again (starts with 5, ends with 3). If you would prefer to continue as usual, that is fine, too. Please be patient with my slow typing. Hope to HEAR from you. God bless!
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Alyce-Kay Ruckelshaus

2 years ago
@dtwalsh: I caught the cloak and dagger ... and even figured it out. You're a Jersey boy? :-) What a fun little trail! I've just been trying to figure out what to do with it. I still retain some Mennonite vestiges and can't get myself to use the phone number, convinced that I'll spontaneously combust if I call a man. Even when my dad was alive, I didn't call him. I called my mom and asked her to have him call me. (And neither of them saw anything strange about that.) So how about calling me, saving me the spontaneous combustion -- and we can delete the parts of these conversations that border on losing privacy? So, one more thing that you should know about me is that I turn off my ringer at 7:30, when I hope to be heading to sleep. (I sound like an old lady, right?) Oh, AND you absolutely cannot call me when I don't even know your first name. I'm thinking dt = dagwood trenton (Dagger and Jersey?). You can text it to me so you don't have it out here, once you figure out my phone number.
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2 years ago
@Alyce-Kay Ruckelshaus: I generally stick to initials (more of my privacy hangup), but I thought I had given my first name to you in one of the comments, which was intended as a sign of my trust in you. Anyway, D.T. stands for David Thomas.
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Alyce-Kay Ruckelshaus

2 years ago
@dtwalsh: Oh! I'm sorry I missed it. I had been watching for that. Okay, looking forward to hearing from you.
1 0 Reply

Alyce-Kay Ruckelshaus

2 years ago
@dtwalsh: It really would be nice to talk. I'm always afraid I'm missing a message. Just be prepared to be peppered with questions. If you've watched even one of my videos you know far more about me than I know about you.
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