180 विचारों· 09/29/22· फिल्म और एनिमेशन
Elegie - Massenet - Stadtmueller
11 ग्राहकों
An elegy for nature, as microwave radiation (5G) and aerosol spraying of aluminum, sulfuric acid, etc., cause its death. Sung by soprano Claire Stadtmueller, who, before The Tyranny, sang on the stages of Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center... and now makes music videos that comment on our times. She is the co-founder of 5G Free RI and citizen lobbyist for the RI Clean Atmosphere Act that would protect us from the aerosol spraying/geoengineering with which we are being assaulted. www.BravaSoprano.com
और दिखाओ
4 टिप्पणियाँ
Larry Hudson
2 वर्षों पहलेNeoElizabeth
2 वर्षों पहलेClaire Stadtmueller
2 वर्षों पहलेNeoElizabeth
2 वर्षों पहलेJohn Hryn
2 वर्षों पहलेClaire Stadtmueller
2 वर्षों पहलेGustavo Póvoas
3 वर्षों पहलेClaire Stadtmueller
2 वर्षों पहले