26 المشاهدات· 03/06/23· فيلم والرسوم المتحركة

Everyone Needs To Know This!

116 مشتركين

"Money" is not what most people think it is. We aren't taught about the financial system in school. Find out what you've been missing, including what the connection is between currency debasement (what we're experiencing now) and the rise of dictatorship. Watch the 10-part series here: www.hiddensecretsofmoney.com This is an internationally acclaimed documentary series you won't want to miss!

أظهر المزيد


1 تعليقات

Paula Kavanagh

منذ 1 عام
Thank you ladies!
1 0 الرد


منذ 1 عام
Absolutely, Paula!
1 0 الرد
أظهر المزيد