16 ভিউ· 05/25/23· ফিল্ম এবং অ্যানিমেশন
Food Addiction
Do you experience any of these on a regular basis?
Cravings and Obsession: Frequent and intense cravings for specific types of food, often high in sugar, fat, or salt. Persistent thoughts and preoccupation with food, even when not hungry or full.
Loss of Control: Difficulty stopping or controlling the amount of food consumed, often leading to overeating or binge eating episodes. Feeling powerless to resist the urge to eat certain foods.
Emotional Eating: Turning to food as a coping mechanism to deal with stress, anxiety, boredom, loneliness, or other emotional triggers. Using food as a source of comfort or reward.
Eating in Secret: Consuming large quantities of food in private or hiding food to avoid judgment or scrutiny from others. Feeling ashamed or guilty about eating habits.
Withdrawal Symptoms: Experiencing physical or emotional discomfort when attempting to cut back or eliminate certain foods from the diet. These symptoms may include irritability, restlessness, mood swings, or increased cravings.
Continued Consumption Despite Negative Consequences: Persisting in compulsive eating behaviors despite experiencing adverse effects on physical health, weight gain, or negative impact on relationships, work, or social activities.
Failed Attempts to Control Eating: Repeatedly trying various diets or restrictive eating plans, but ultimately returning to old patterns of overeating or bingeing. Feeling trapped in a cycle of unsuccessful attempts to control food intake.
Tolerance and Need for Increased Intake: Developing a tolerance to certain types of food, requiring larger quantities to experience the same level of satisfaction or pleasure. Needing to eat more to achieve the desired effect.
Withdrawal from Social Activities: Avoiding social situations that involve food or making excuses to skip events where food is present to prevent overeating or losing control. Social withdrawal due to shame or embarrassment.
Emotional Distress and Guilt: Feeling guilt, shame, or self-disgust after episodes of overeating or bingeing. Engaging in self-destructive thoughts or negative self-talk related to food and body image.
Come with me on my journey as I talk about my experience with tips to break free from your own food addiction struggles.
Check out my full article here:https://jillthehealthcoach.com..../are-you-a-food-addi
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