20 Views· 08/17/23· Film & Animation
Lahaina fire, planned obsolescence, and the revolution
Today we cover information from the lahaina fires, planned obsolescence, the other side of the story, the light bulb conspiracy documentary, and the revolution
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1:00 thank you to everything for sharing information
4:30 seeing different ways of the narrative
6:40 Lithium battery smart meters
7:00 Haze in the sky?
7:50 Hurricane feelings
10:30 Rewriting the history
15:30 Weather Mod Act 1976
16:23 *The light bulb conspiracy
21:00 Abundance and prior to the takeover
24:20 *Analyze everything
26:00 World Fair Resets
29:40 *Operation mockingbird and Conspiracy Theorist
31:00 Whole Foods check out process?
33:00 Google history versus the elders
37:30 Speak, share, and Act
39:00 The masks
42:00 Orchestrated events
45:00 Abundance of Resources
Sharon Leonard
2 years agoSusanK359
2 years agoSusanK359
2 years agoSharon Leonard
2 years agoSharon Leonard
2 years ago