265 Lượt xem· 12/02/22· Phim & Hoạt hình

Nicotine patches and gum - spike protein gone. How??

Harold White
111 Người đăng ký

Dr. Bryan Ardis, DC

Chiropractor, acupuncturist, and medical researcher, who has treated over 18,000 patients from around the world. Hosts the popular podcast The Dr. Ardis Show. Launched ArdisLabs with his wife, Jayne.

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3 Bình luận

Susan Hadgkiss

2 năm trước kia
Diet, nutritional supplements and nicotine complete the program for hope and healing to be effective in repairing the damage from the enforced experiment on the world.
1 0 Đáp lại

Larry Hudson

2 năm trước kia
Very interesting.
1 0 Đáp lại

Harold White

2 năm trước kia
Time to get a supply of Nicotine Gum.
1 0 Đáp lại
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