6 المشاهدات· 10/22/23· فيلم والرسوم المتحركة

ONPASSIVE: 2018 - From There to Here (Our Story)

David Level
5 مشتركين

ONPASSIVE: 2018- From there to here!
This is an abbreviated story of how ONPASSIVE got started, milestones that shaped our first three or so years, and where we are now. Undoubtedly, we're here to stay.

It all tarted in 2018 when Founder and CEO, Mr. Ash Mufareh, decided to create a digital marketing platform. It started as a general plan intended to create a network marketing platform serving a space of 2-300 million people. It had a budget of about a $100K and a launch-window of 60-90 days.
Hiring employees from a down-sizing tech company in India, Ash created the company's first team whish was based in Kolkata, West Bengal, India.

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