31 Views· 10/17/22· Travel & Events

Private Driver in Costa Rica CHEAP (er) 🚗 Transport and Cultural Experience

Riley Jackson
71 Subscribers

This is my friend, Michael Alan of Costa Rica Now interviewing Charlie. Do you think renting a car is expensive in Costa Rica? What about your your private driver? Is a shared shuttle service better? Public buses in Costa Rica are cheap but are they worth the headache? I found a guy. Charlie. And yes, he was recommended to me by my trusted friend, Johnny, from Green Health Care, so it wasn't 'random'. Charlie picked me up in Ciudad Quesada (San Carlos) in a little sporty car. He was dressed extremely casual in shorts and t-shirt. He had no idea that I make videos about Costa Rica... and really, why would he. (Travel Costa Rica NOW). We started talking about families, where we were from... all the regular small talk. Come to find out, since he works for Johnny when he needs him, carting around clients who are in Costa Rica for medical tourism and dental tourism. He told me when he's not doing that, he's picking up tourists and driving them to and from the airport to spots like Dominical, Jaco, Manuel Antonio, La Fortuna or really wherever the tourist needs to go. AND he's cheaper. I know a little something about drivers as I pay quite a few and the ones I use are very good but it's kind of a different service really. Although money always seems to be a factor and 'cheaper' is nice, Charlie goes above and beyond, providing an inside look at Tico culture, which many folks are looking for when they visit Costa Rica. He's going to stop. Introduce you to why people rave about Costa Rica's pineapples (so good). Want to stop for beer or other beverages and snacks, eat lunch, buy something at the store? Perhaps get a picture of a sloth or a cool tree or some gorgeous scenery, have to pee, like NOW, he's going to stop. Would you rather go to the gringo priced' restaurants the shared shuttle services in Costa Rica like to frequent or stop at a soda (a usually small, family run, restaurant (sometimes in the middle of nowhere) ? He's going to talk to you, answer your questions and even give you a little education on Costa Rica and its proud culture. Does Charlie fit everyone's transport needs? Absolutely not. But if you're looking for a 'budget' private driver, he might be a great option and cultural experience. 🇨🇷 CHEAP Private Driver in Costa Rica 🚗 Transport and Cultural Exp.🦥This is just another transport option. I really, I am just trying to help someone out in these difficult times. Shared shuttle is an option, a private driver with a nice van for the family and really, the public bus system is also an option.Travel Costa Rica NOW is a travel agency. GO to TravelCostaRicaNOW.com and fill out the 4 minute form and you'll be that much closer to the vacation of a lifetime. We're like you have best friends who live in Costa Rica, who know Costa Rica, totally hooking up your Costa Rica vacation.Questions/Comments or you want to get a hold of Charlie- info@travelcostaricanow.comFor me, michael alan of Travel Costa Rica NOW, Costa Rica should be on everyone's 'Bucket List' to visit. Places like La Fortuna, Manuel Antonio, Dominical, Uvita, Tamarindo, Coco, Mal Pais, Montezuma, Puerto Viejo, Tortuguero, Tortuga, Samara, Monteverde just to name places tourists like to visit and vacation. There's like 12 volcanos in Costa Rica and don't forget the monkey's, sloths, toucans, hummingbirds, interesting insects and enough National Parks to see them all. Don't forget the hotsprings, the waterfalls, the morpho butterflies, crazy how long this list gets. ;)

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Riley Jackson

2 years ago
Hey Larry, let me know when you return to Costa Rica.
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Larry Hudson

2 years ago
I love Costa Rica.
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