12 Views· 11/22/22· Film & Animation

This is what is going to happen when ONPASSIVE opens - John White & Bill Must

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#ONPASSIVE #GoFounders #BillMust
This is what is going to happen when OnPASSIVE opens the first day! Every C.E.O. of every major I.T. company is going to be crazy out of their minds! Now that worse nightmare has finally broken through! The company called OnPASSIVE has just opened to the world! Now we C.E.O.s of our I.T. companies are in the fight of our lives! We knew the brilliance of Ash Mufareh, but we did not think that he could pull this off! We knew about his track record of being successful: But he was caught up in trying to build businesses for other companies; and not himself. We realized that if we could keep him working for other companies; then we would have him exactly where we wanted him to be :Under our feet! But he figured it out and now we are in trouble! Everyone was talking about OnPASSIVE not being real; but we C.E.O.s knew better! But we were praying that no one would catch the same vision that Ash Mufareh had! We saw all of the negative propaganda all over the Internet; trying to prevent OnPASSIVE from opening ! It has been met with utter failure! The reason is this man called Ash Mufareh ! Now he has this company, that reflects exactly who we knew he was: A man of integrity! That is the scenario that will happen when OnPASSIVE opens to the world! What the giant I.T. companies are going to realize is that from day one OnPassive became a unicorn company; a company worth over $1 billion dollars in the first day! Where it took massive companies today decades to reach : where OnPASSIVE is starting out! That's scary! Now we are in a box! We know that there are 4.5 billion internet users that are using the products that all of us have : But OnPASSIVE, under the direction of Ash Mufareh,has put all of what we sell to our users; under One roof! We see our profitablity being affected, by losing our internet users and offline users get smaller and smaller with each passing day! The reason is OnPASSIVE is selling the products that will sell at ridiculously lower prices! When Microsoft came up with the idea of having a suite of 6 products under One roof: It made billions upon billions of dollars and made everyone who were a part of Microsoft millionaires; some billionaires! Can you see what is happening now with OnPASSIVE? It would have the ability to just completely obliterate any kind of record that Microsoft had! We see this happening the day OnPASSIVE launches! This is a sad day for all I.T. CEOs and C.E.O.s of all companies,: but it's a great day for anyone who has is a Founder of OnPASSIVE! That is just the business aspect of OnPASSIVE! What about the social networks? All of those other companies like Facebook and all the other social platforms ? We do not want to talk anymore! This is too devastating! Founders are ready; But we C.E.O .s are Not!!!!
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