32 विचारों· 09/18/22·

Adventures in Reading & Fun with Phonics #2 /M/ Mm, /B/ Bb

Sharon Leonard
227 ग्राहकों

Learning the letter sounds. Reviewing M and learning B. Tips for a friendly reading environment and encouraging a love for reading in young children. ⁣Subscribe: ⁣https://clikview.com/@SharonLeonard

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2 टिप्पणियाँ


2 वर्षों पहले
Hi, Sharon! Honestly I'm not a stalker! As a grandfather, I'm just very interested in adapting CV for young minds. I notice several classic children's books in your video. I'm pretty sure you must be aware of "The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstein. This story has much to offer children and adults alike; indeed, I come away with different insights each time I read it. It is also great for stimulating discussions. I know your focus is on reading from books, but I thought I'd offer this video in case you might be unfamiliar with the story. This particular video contains both the book's text and artwork, and is narrated by the author. I have several other video versions of this book-- so does YouTube. Most are better produced than this video, but it is the original:


Best wishes... David
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Sharon Leonard

2 वर्षों पहले
Hi David Yes, I loved that book, you are so right, it is a great book for children! I'll have to mention that next lesson! Thank you, I'll check some of the books on YTube. Children's books are my favorite! Love Eric Carle books too!
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2 वर्षों पहले
@SharonLeonard: I will ask my daughter, Jennifer about Eric Carle. She is the school librarian/specials teacher at a nearby public elementary school. Before that, as a first/second grade teacher in an inner city, she collected hundreds of books to create a classroom library for her students. If you find yourself looking for anything hard to find, please let me know. She may have it, and I'm certain she'd love to lend it to you, or donate a copy if she has extras! Best wishes... David
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Sharon Leonard

2 वर्षों पहले
@dtwalsh Thank you David. I have a collection of books in storage but currently haven't heard back yet from the storage unit facility, here in FL it may be flooded. I have plenty of back up lessons though. Also, my iphone isn't recording videos this week, getting in touch with tech this week!!
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2 वर्षों पहले
@SharonLeonard: Praying you, your family, and all Floridians get back on your feet again very soon. God bless!
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Sharon Leonard

2 वर्षों पहले
@dtwalsh: Thank you David😊🙏🏻 I was lucky at my home, praying for those who've lost so much. Your kind words are much appreciated.😊God Bless.
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2 वर्षों पहले
Hi, Sharon! This is wonderful! During the plandemic imprisonment, I worked with my 7 year-old grandson, homeschooling him in conjunction with remote learning through his school. At the same time I needed to keep his eighteen-month old sister occupied. She loved watching videos, but I found material for her which, among other things, taught letters, numbers, colors, shapes, animals, etc. Before her second birthday she was thoroughly familiar with all these things, and although she didn't have the hand-eye coordination to draw or write accurately, she amazingly recognized and repeated the initial sounds of all the alphabet letters. I tried to move her up a notch to putting letter sounds together to form words, but she seemed to stall out at that point. The next term her mom unfortunately sent her back to preschool, and my grandson back to the local public school despite my urging to keep them home. I haven't noticed much progress in her reading since I stayed home with her, but I think she would respond very well to your phonics videos. I also hope you might eventually cover word formation and phonetic reading skills. While my granddaughter was watching some very good quality children's educational videos on YouTube, I still had to constantly monitor commercials and successive videos for content. Once while watching some videos with Disney animal cartoons a soft-core **** music video began playing. The performer was named Bambi! Although that was the most shocking there had been other incidents as well. We are working to make CrwdView a destination that we can trust and which will be safe for everyone-- especially the most innocent. I am so encouraged as I see what we are building begin to take shape, and TAP is most essentially about enriching our souls and one another-- financial rewards may come in time, but they will only be incidental. May God bless, guide, and protect TAP and Dr. Buttar, as well as you, your family, and your work. Thank you and best wishes always... David
1 0 जवाब

Sharon Leonard

2 वर्षों पहले
Hello David, it is admirable what you've done for your grandchildren! Your grand daughter is blessed to have had your early instruction and attention. Yes, we will be forming words soon after a few more letters. Thank you for tuning in, I agree that Disney is no longer a viable option for children! We are all blessed to be here, thanks to Dr Buttar. Yes TAP is truly amazing! Thank you, Bless you and your family.🙏🏻
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