35 Vues· 08/23/22· Des sports
Climbing Mount Whitney ... Highest Mountain, Continental US - Lyn Hanush Pursuing Passion
This one isn't so much ministry, but it definitely affected her spiritual life. 100 switchbacks on a rock face and a high altitude! On the second attempt, there was a very real possibility of not making it.
You can contact me through my Pray Serve Go Facebook page in order to get the free book. https://www.facebook.com/groups/prayservego You don’t have to join, but you may if you want. The book is free for those in the US; we just ask that you pay the $8.95 shipping. You may also make an optional donation to Mom’s future prayer walks if you’d like.
Thanks for watching!
Alyce-Kay and Lyn
Sweetwater, TN and Albuquerque, NM, USA
#MtWhitney #PrayServeGo #isaiahcadre
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