83 Views· 08/27/22· Alternative Medicine

COVID-19 - Video 3

Bozenna Slominski
121 Subscribers

⁣"As mentioned in the last video, the level of toxicity in Wuhan was extraordinary, but in typical fashion, the “virus hunters” came out and shut out the “toxicity exposers”. What does the CDC do when faced with determining the cause of any multiple deaths from unusual causes? They send out 2 teams. The toxicology team and the infectious disease team. Where are the toxicology teams? But this is not the first or the 10th time the toxicity issue has been ignored or minimized. In fact, this seems to be the standard approach. Why? Because an industry or company can be held responsible for the resulting catastrophic issues, it may be responsible if it is identified as a toxicity issue. But with a virus or bacteria, no one can be held responsible. And so, a virus becomes the perfect scapegoat. Remember what they said about glyphosate (RoundUp)…that it was safe. The last jury award was $2 billion US dollars but was reduced by the judge to around $50 million. But the plaintiffs only asked for $1 billion. The public is getting tired of the BS being dumped on us and wants the truth. This video will dispel the myths and expose the truth about the science behind COVID-19 based on the published data. Part 3 covers the real history of COVID-19 and what you probably never knew. Neither did I, until I read the studies. Part 4 will be released in another 48 hours showing the last portion of the puzzle so that you will now have the complete picture. Unfortunately, the misinformation campaign, however, has continued to be ramped up. It’s up to you to share this information with those you love. Pay it forward and get this information to all who want the facts and value the truth. Even the recommendations being made are full of intentional misinformation and errors. The VERY things that will help you, are being promoted as things you should stay AWAY from! Part 5 and Part 6 will call these so-called expert doctors out! And will give you the real scoop of what you should be doing and what you should be on high alert for. The agenda may not be as obscure as one may imagine. Just remember that the coronavirus is a self-limiting virus first described in the literature in the 1960s." - Dr. R. Buttar

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Linda Olney Sikes

3 years ago
I could watch Dr. Buttars info all day. Thanks dr. B for your presentations.
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Bozenna Slominski

3 years ago
Dr. B talks with a lot of sense and he is the TRUTH!
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