159 المشاهدات· 09/11/22· كوميديا

ترخيص إدارة الحقوق (RM)

Dr. Buttar Warns of 2nd Wave

Maria's News
225 مشتركين

There is a second wave, the virus, coming. Dr. Buttar tells of his prediction of what to expect.

أظهر المزيد


2 تعليقات


منذ 2 سنوات
Bless you for your good work Dr. Buttar. Thank you for your courage and bravery in the midst of this attempted takeover of our minds, hearts and souls. You are one of a kind, and we are blessed to have you on our side. Please keep it up. The truth will out.
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Desiree Pramuk

منذ 2 سنوات
I tell all my clients about this and they all think I'm crazy. I own a hair salon and I am a holistic practioner. I see alot of people and they r so not awake. Atleast I put it out there and they have to figure it out o their own and it's so sad.
1 0 الرد

Maria's News

منذ 2 سنوات
That's all we can do. The purpose of this channel is to warn people the impact on their health. Send them here where truth is shared.
1 0 الرد
أظهر المزيد