20 Views· 12/02/22· Alternative Medicine

Dr. Rashid Buttar | Lawsuits Against Big Tech!!!

Sharon Leonard
222 Subscribers

Despite all of the disinformation from the CDC and all of the misinformation included in the VAERS data. They continue to push the clot shot. Here is some uncensored informattion from Dr Buttar and others who are not afraid to speak out and tell what is actually happening with the CDC, big tech and big government. For more information on how to help yourself through all of this 'Covid Chaos' go to: https://advancedmedicineconference.com

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1 year ago
Monkey Pox, hmm, NYC is just north of us & my Hubby is from Queens where his family still is & we heard NOTHING about this. Just see it as another fear mongering attempt that we don't buy into. We don't do optional shots, that simple!
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Sharon Leonard

1 year ago
Yep this was back in the beginning of December, they try everything but with each try they lose more credibility, even with the mainstream public.
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Larry Hudson

2 years ago
Thanks Sharon. Dr Buttar brings the truth everyday.
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Sharon Leonard

2 years ago
Yes, we need more like him! More people seem to be slowly waking up as they learn what is happening.🙏🏻
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