180 Visualizzazioni· 09/29/22· Film e animazione

Elegie - Massenet - Stadtmueller

Claire Stadtmueller
11 Iscritti

An elegy for nature, as microwave radiation (5G) and aerosol spraying of aluminum, sulfuric acid, etc., cause its death. Sung by soprano Claire Stadtmueller, who, before The Tyranny, sang on the stages of Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center... and now makes music videos that comment on our times. She is the co-founder of 5G Free RI and citizen lobbyist for the RI Clean Atmosphere Act that would protect us from the aerosol spraying/geoengineering with which we are being assaulted. www.BravaSoprano.com

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4 Commenti

Larry Hudson

2 anni fa
Thank you very well done.
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2 anni fa
I like your performance, the concept, and the expression, but overall the Elegie is ruined for me. I think contemporary music would fit much better for the subcontext.
0 0 Rispondere
Sorry to "ruin" the song for you. What song would you have suggested? Quite frankly, after decades of singing about "he loves me, he loves me not," I think there are more urgent matters. That is why I used the aria "Ebben" to make a video of the banishment of artists from the stage, when the original is banishment of La Wally because she would not marry the man her father chose. I did take two contemporary arias, by Menotti, and show images in my slideshow of the tyranny of today; Menotti's Consul was written about the tyranny of the 1940s. I think he'd approve.
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2 anni fa
@Claire Stadtmueller: Hi Claire, I appreciate your view. I wanted to say that the looking at the video without any sound will not match the music. Most contemporary music will accomplish what you had in mind.
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John Hryn

2 anni fa
So lovely Claire, and your message is heart sung. Now for world exposure to awaken the sleepy masses, every church could promote this which would spread like wildfire, no consequence intended. Yes every church and every steeple.
1 0 Rispondere
Thank you, as always, John. By the way, I had my first concert since The Tyranny began, a benefit for Children's Health Defense, last week. All Health Freedom musicians, all Health Freedom audience. It was epic.
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Gustavo Póvoas

2 anni fa
This is my favorite so far❤️ It totally resonates with my inner soul. Your voice and performance is extremely beautiful in this music video! You look so Darling, Miss Clair 🌹🔆
1 0 Rispondere
Thank you so much, Gustavo! (Isn't it funny how I had that grey dress with trees on it for 20 years; I wore it for the photo shoot of my CD Sweet Peace, a collection of international songs that celebrate peace or express the tragedy of war.
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