21 Pogledi· 01/05/23· Komedija

Excess long term sickness

Dr. John Campbell
129 Pretplatnici

⁣Self reported long covid

2.2 million (3.4% of the population)

Of those, as of 6 November 2022

87% more than 12 weeks

55% at least one year

27% at least two years


Fatigue 70%

Difficulty concentrating 48%

Shortness of breath 46%

Muscle ache 45%

Adversely affected the day-to-day activities, 1.6 million (75% of self-reported long COVIDs)

Self-reported long COVID more common


Aged 35 to 69 years


Living in more deprived areas

Working in social care

Another activity-limiting condition or disability 

People not working and not looking for work


If you are working or actively looking for work you are less likely to report long covid

Proportions of LC

Vaccination status not given

Cumulative change in number of people aged 16 to 64 years inactive because of long-term sickness

Long COVID is not the main factor

Working-age adults

(Economically inactive because of long-term sickness)

Has been rising since 2019

363,000 more since start of pandemic

ONS reasons

NHS waiting times

Long-term sick

other health problems or disabilities

(may include LC)

April to June 2022

97,000 higher than the same period in 2019

(a 41% increase)

Excess deaths, (ending 2 December 2022)

372 deaths involving COVID-19 registered in the UK

2.9% of all deaths

(400 in the previous week)

A total of 12,866 UK deaths

5.1% above the five-year average

Zoe symptoms as of this week (13th December)

Sore throat, 64%

Runny nose, 57%

Blocked nose, 57%

Headache, 54%

Sneezing, 53%

Cough, no phlegm 53%

Cough with phlegm, 44%

Hoarse, 40%

Muscle pains / aches 24%

Altered smell, 20%

Swollen neck glands, 19%

Dizzy, light headed, 19%

Fatigue, 17%

Loss of smell, 17%

Sore eyes, 17%

Shortness of breath, 15%

Chest pain / tightness, 15%

Earache, 15%

Chills or shivers, 13%

Wheezing, 11%

Full Zoe report

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1 Komentari


2 godine prije
Excellent reporting . Thank you for the update.
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