47 意见· 08/20/22· 操作方法和风格

Food Forests: Grow Freedom

124 订户

convert costly ans useless lawns into valuable and non toxic freedom plots



7 注释

Andrew Miller

2 年 前
This is great! We need more of this! Thank you.
0 0 回复

Paula Kavanagh

2 年 前
I have a black thumb that I am trying to change into a green thumb. Little by little. This is good info.
0 0 回复

Kim Outten

2 年 前
This is awesome! So many with small spaces think that they cannot have a bountiful food forest. I believe that it is not only possible, but it may become necessary
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Larry Hudson

3 年 前
Looking forward to doing this.
0 0 回复

Kathleen Rae

3 年 前
Hi Hunter, do you have any examples of before and afters?
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3 年 前
I do! I can share that on Facebook or another platform
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Kathleen Rae

3 年 前
@DigitalOilHunter: That would be awesome!
1 0 回复


3 年 前
@KathleenRae: reach out to me so I know where to share them
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