22 צפיות· 09/14/22· קוֹמֶדִיָה

Grow your own food & plants

Wendy Kenny
57 מנויים


להראות יותר


Farooqa Yoosufani

לִפנֵי 2 שנים
wonderful video!
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Virginia Marie de Zerne

לִפנֵי 2 שנים
Yes, I have the indoor Tower Garden with the lights and love it I have an affiliate link as well: mdezerne1.towergarden. I did some videos of it on fb, but I can't seem to transfer them to any other platform.
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Virginia Marie de Zerne

לִפנֵי 2 שנים
Wendy, thank you for sharing! I love growing things, outdoors, indoors, Tower Garden, and vegetable scraps! I learned some new techniques today! I want to try the pine cone, but I am not sure of the first couple of steps. Do you know how to begin? Were they heating it?
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Wendy Kenny

לִפנֵי 2 שנים
Hi Virginia! It looks like they heated the pine one in the oven at about 175 degrees Fahrenheit, maybe just long enough to heat it up to stimulate it? I want to try this too! Might be a pretty countertop Christmas decoration as it starts to grow :)
1 0 תשובה

Wendy Kenny

לִפנֵי 2 שנים
What kind of tower garden do you have? Do you like it?
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לִפנֵי 2 שנים
Wow 😍 these are awesome! 🌱
1 0 תשובה

Mahlikah The Moonrise Poet

לִפנֵי 2 שנים
Very kool 👍🏽
1 0 תשובה
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