stdClass Object ( [id] => 16035 [video_id] => xa3GnpkNC1GazWM [user_id] => 195 [short_id] => 8REQ6i [title] => HOW TO GET FREE ELECTRICITY FOREVER - TESLA'S HIDDEN INVENTION [description] => ⁣HOW TO GET FREE ELECTRICITY FOREVER - TESLA'S HIDDEN INVENTION

After a long time of research, we have managed to manufacture free and self-sustaining energy equipment capable of generating a maximum peak power of 20Kw and a voltage of 230v at a frequency of 50Hz.
This invention could give free and unlimited electricity to everyone. But for that to be possible we need everyone to see this technology, thus preventing our invention from being hidden. They have already managed to ban our previous video, but we re-upload it to this video platform so that everyone knows the truth.
We have added a rotor with a special alloy to eliminate eddy currents, thus eliminating magnetic braking when connecting electrical loads.
To make the output voltage 110 volts instead of 230 volts, we need to do it with microwave transformers and a 110 volt motor.

We hope you like it. If so, please subscribe, like the video and leave your opinion in the comments. In this way we will be able to continue researching and creating new ways of generating energy.

00:00 Introduction
00:28 Microwave transformer modification
01:08 Manufacture of the rotor
03:34 Fabrication of the structure
05:32 How to center the rotor
08:17 First test
08:31 Finalizing the assembly details
09:49 We paint the structure
10:50 Functional test of the LEDs
10:55 Complete assembly of the "Liberty Engine"
18:31 Explanation of operation
19:23 Basic performance test
20:12 Outdoor test
26:25 Acknowledgments

-Sony RX10 IV: [a][/a]
- iPhone 14 Pro Max: [a][/a]
- K&F Concept Tripod: [a][/a]
- Cayer FP1450 Tripod: [a][/a]
- Display Batteries: [a][/a]
- Screen for Sony FEELWORLD F5 Pro V2 camera:

Follow us!
💥 Private Telegram channel: [a][/a]
💥Facebook channel: [a][/a]

Business: [thumbnail] => [video_location] => [youtube] => neP9jUr5IqA [vimeo] => [daily] => [facebook] => [instagram] => [ok] => [twitch] => [twitch_type] => [time] => 1692480773 [time_date] => [active] => 0 [tags] => the crazy channel,Energía Gratis,Energía Infinita,Free Energy,Generador Energía,aerogenerador,alternador para generar electricidad,brushless generator,como generar energia electrica casera,electricidad gratis,energía libre,free electricity,generador eléctrico,generar energia,generador de energia infinita con transformadores de microondas,generador de energia libre 20Kw,free energy generator,energia libre [duration] => 00:26:54 [size] => 0 [actual_resolution] => [source_location] => [converted] => 1 [category_id] => 1 [views] => 16 [featured] => 0 [channel_featured] => 0 [registered] => 2023/8 [privacy] => 0 [age_restriction] => 1 [type] => youtube [approved] => 1 [240p] => 0 [360p] => 0 [480p] => 0 [720p] => 0 [1080p] => 0 [2048p] => 0 [4096p] => 0 [sell_video] => 0 [sub_category] => 0 [geo_blocking] => [demo] => [gif] => [is_movie] => 0 [featured_movie] => [stars] => [producer] => [country] => [movie_release] => [quality] => [rating] => [monetization] => 1 [rent_price] => 0 [stream_name] => [live_time] => 0 [live_ended] => 0 [agora_resource_id] => [agora_sid] => [agora_token] => [license] => [is_stock] => 0 [trailer] => [embedding] => 0 [live_chating] => on [publication_date] => 0 [is_short] => 0 [is_cinematic] => 0 [is_channel_default_video] => 0 [backup] => 1 [channel] => [file_location] => [chunkId] => [node_file_name] => [hls] => [dash] => [cf_uid] => [cf_preview] => [cf_error_code] => [cf_error_text] => [has_local] => 0 [is_do] => 0 [embed] => 0 [org_thumbnail] => [video_id_] => neP9jUr5IqA [video_type] => video/youtube [source] => YouTube [url] => [ajax_url] => ?link1=watch&id=how-to-get-free-electricity-forever-tesla-039-s-hidden-invention_xa3GnpkNC1GazWM.html [edit_description] => ⁣HOW TO GET FREE ELECTRICITY FOREVER - TESLA'S HIDDEN INVENTION

After a long time of research, we have managed to manufacture free and self-sustaining energy equipment capable of generating a maximum peak power of 20Kw and a voltage of 230v at a frequency of 50Hz.
This invention could give free and unlimited electricity to everyone. But for that to be possible we need everyone to see this technology, thus preventing our invention from being hidden. They have already managed to ban our previous video, but we re-upload it to this video platform so that everyone knows the truth.
We have added a rotor with a special alloy to eliminate eddy currents, thus eliminating magnetic braking when connecting electrical loads.
To make the output voltage 110 volts instead of 230 volts, we need to do it with microwave transformers and a 110 volt motor.

We hope you like it. If so, please subscribe, like the video and leave your opinion in the comments. In this way we will be able to continue researching and creating new ways of generating energy.

00:00 Introduction
00:28 Microwave transformer modification
01:08 Manufacture of the rotor
03:34 Fabrication of the structure
05:32 How to center the rotor
08:17 First test
08:31 Finalizing the assembly details
09:49 We paint the structure
10:50 Functional test of the LEDs
10:55 Complete assembly of the "Liberty Engine"
18:31 Explanation of operation
19:23 Basic performance test
20:12 Outdoor test
26:25 Acknowledgments

-Sony RX10 IV:
- iPhone 14 Pro Max:
- K&F Concept Tripod:
- Cayer FP1450 Tripod:
- Display Batteries:
- Screen for Sony FEELWORLD F5 Pro V2 camera:

Follow us!
💥 Private Telegram channel:
💥Facebook channel:


After a long time of research, we have managed to manufacture free and self-sustaining energy equipment capable of generating a maximum peak power of 20Kw and a voltage of 230v at a frequency of 50Hz.
This invention could give free and unlimited electricity to everyone. But for that to be possible we need everyone to see this technology, thus preventing our invention from being hidden. They have already managed to ban our previous video, but we re-upload it to this video platform so that everyone knows the truth.
We have added a rotor with a special alloy to eliminate eddy currents, thus eliminating magnetic braking when connecting electrical loads.
To make the output voltage 110 volts instead of 230 volts, we need to do it with microwave transformers and a 110 volt motor.

We hope you like it. If so, please subscribe, like the video and leave your opinion in the comments. In this way we will be able to continue researching and creating new ways of generating energy.

00:00 Introduction
00:28 Microwave transformer modification
01:08 Manufacture of the rotor
03:34 Fabrication of the structure
05:32 How to center the rotor
08:17 First test
08:31 Finalizing the assembly details
09:49 We paint the structure
10:50 Functional test of the LEDs
10:55 Complete assembly of the "Liberty Engine"
18:31 Explanation of operation
19:23 Basic performance test
20:12 Outdoor test
26:25 Acknowledgments

-Sony RX10 IV:
- iPhone 14 Pro Max:
- K&F Concept Tripod:
- Cayer FP1450 Tripod:
- Display Batteries:
- Screen for Sony FEELWORLD F5 Pro V2 camera:

Follow us!
💥 Private Telegram channel:
💥Facebook channel:

Business: [markup_title] => HOW TO GET FREE ELECTRICITY FOREVER - TESLA'S HIDDEN INVENTION [owner] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 195 [username] => YourWorld_MakeItHappen [email] => [tap_id] => [ip_address] => [password] => $2y$10$rm18pHM36P9mn0qV8bIE7utTDef64SGL/ahpZUsvlk3DKjkOulL9G [first_name] => YourWorld [last_name] => _MakeItHappen [gender] => female [email_code] => 4965a0a184843b1e9d2d53fb2e986ec4fa4ebe8d [device_id] => [language] => english [avatar] => [cover] => [src] => [country_id] => 0 [age] => 46 [about] => Eclectic soul with a myriad of interests.

They tell you, pick a lane- any lane- and stay in it.

But why?

Ok, some people can't walk and chew gum. But others can have 7 pots cooking while juggling 8 balls.

It's better if they tell you, find your style and develop it. Maybe then, there wouldn't be so many unhappy beings stuck in professions they dislike, trying to live vicariously through their progeny, making both their lives unbearable, and perpetuating the cycle: "Pick a lane. Any lane. And stay in it".

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