39 vistas· 08/22/22· Juego de azar

Introducing Kathleen Rae

Kathleen Rae
79 Suscriptores

Welcome to my channel where we discuss how to optimize breast health.

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13 Comentarios

Paula Kavanagh

3 años hace
Thank you.
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3 años hace
Great way to capitalize on what you do well! Best of luck with your posting!
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Joyce Becker

3 años hace
Love your intro video!
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Kathleen Rae

3 años hace
Thank you for the encouragement. It wasn’t easy to “just do it”. But I did! Hopefully it only gets better from here!
1 0 Respuesta

Joyce Becker

3 años hace
@Kathleen Rae: I admire anyone who can "just do it" - Well done!
1 0 Respuesta

Bozenna Slominski

3 años hace
Thank you for sharing, I was introduced to Thermography in early 2000, looking forward for more information
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Kathleen Rae

3 años hace
Have you had a Thermogram then?
1 0 Respuesta

Bozenna Slominski

3 años hace
@Kathleen Rae: No the doctor who has been promoting it in West Australia has been victimised , long and a very sad story
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Kathleen Rae

3 años hace
@Bozenna Slominski: I’m so sorry that has happened.
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Allison Uhler

3 años hace
Will you be doing any Q&A videos?
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Kathleen Rae

3 años hace
Yes, I would love to do that. Please post any questions you have so I can address them in my Q and A video.
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