40 المشاهدات· 08/22/22· رياضات
PSG Ministry Series: PRAYER WALKING FOR NORMAL PEOPLE (with Lyn Hanush)
NOTE: Please do not close your eyes while prayer walking or prayer driving! ;-) Also don't miss the FREE PAPERBACK book she's offering! You may have heard about some of my mom's looooong prayer walks -- such as full states or even the longest way across the USA! In this video, we chat about how normal people can prayer walk on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis ... for as short or long a walk as you can manage. I didn't think about this while we were recording, but if you can't walk, you could also "prayerwalk" using googlemaps street view! Just use your cursor to take yourself along a road. You can "turn" to look at houses and businesses as you go, as well.If you've prayer walked, we'd love to hear about it! Share your story in the comments below, so we can all enjoy it and learn from you, too!We'll talk about some of my mom's other longer prayer walks in future videos.
That None Should Perish by Ed Silvoso: https://amzn.to/3OEVpzw
For the free book, PUTTING A FACE ON AMERICA: All we ask is $8.95 shipping. Optional donation for her future prayer walks can be made out to Seek Him First Ministries. To get the free book or contact her for any other reason, please message me through my Pray Serve Go Facebook group at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/prayservego You can also join the group if you’d like to. We would love to have you!
Thanks for watching!Alyce-Kay and Lyn
Sweetwater, TN and Albuquerque, NM, USA
#prayerwalk #prayer #walkbyfaith
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