3 vistas· 11/11/22· Juego de azar

Stand Up for Your Rights

Jacinta Sterling
75 Suscriptores

Have you ever had to deal with a security guard or someone who feels that he or she had the right to LORD it over you simply because he or she feels that you are breaking a rule of their establishment? This is becoming more prevalent as people relinquish their rights to others who do not rule over them. I was recently in a Government office and the security guard sported a gun and other accouterments to instill fear in anyone who entered the building and refused to wear a mask. These are private corporations that offer a service to the public but they have no right to command people to obey their rules. I just love the way the woman in this video reported the vicious encounter with a nitwit. Listen carefully and more than once. She is quite a gutsy one!

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1 Comentarios

Jacinta, I love this! Thank you for sharing! This lady's recounting of her ordeal is brilliant!
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