28 意见· 01/21/23· 喜剧

Stew Peters Presents: COVENOM-19 Series Vol. 1

Larry Hudson
109 订户

Dr Ardis talks about the use of venoms in bioweapons.



2 注释


2 年 前
In one of the segments, it appears that Fauci has become very practiced at being convincing. I can see how come people who are unaware of what is going on, could believe him. Thank goodness we have Dr. Rand Paul to dispute him.
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Larry Hudson

2 年 前
Fauci needs to be put on trial and given his own shot for punishment. So many people have been hurt and killed.
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Sharon Leonard

2 年 前
Great documentary! Good the word is getting out!
2 0 回复

Larry Hudson

2 年 前
Yes it is. But boy it is hard to believe people are this sick. It just turns my stomach.
3 0 回复

Sharon Leonard

2 年 前
@Larry Hudson: Yes, me too Larry, it's hard to believe it's happening at all or has gone this far.
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