27 Visualizações· 09/06/22· Comédia

The video that shook me awake!

Genevieve ML
14 Assinantes

The video that moved me, made me angry, cry then shook me awake! ⁣Awake to research and move forward to help my son; rather than continue to feel sorry for him. ... allowing us to see his journey of healing now.
Praise God!
I’ve lost “friends” who don’t deserve my love and family who don’t deserve my attention-but during hard times is where you realize your strengths and people who care. Thank you ALL for showing me that.🙏🏻❤ I am eternally grateful. Rony, THANK YOU for teaching me so much. You are my life.

“God, please heal this person and allow me to be the conduit”.
-Dr.Rashid A. Buttar @drbuttar
(Pg. 199, ‘The 9 Steps to keep the Doctor away’)

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