277 Ansichten· 08/24/22· Komödie

They Turned COVID Into A Brand

Dr David E. Martin
499 Abonnenten

⁣They Turned COVID Into A Brand

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6 Bemerkungen

Eva Almendres

2 Jahre vor
So true!
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3 Jahre vor
Absolutely Awesome !!
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3 Jahre vor
Well said, btw you gained the better viewers. Appreciate your honesty, integrity and wealth of knowledge.
1 0 Antworten


3 Jahre vor
Thank you for holding onto your integrity 💕
2 0 Antworten

Sharon Leonard

3 Jahre vor
Great statement "If Covid made you famous, then you are not". Thank you for all you do and have always done to help humanity.
1 0 Antworten

Fran Gourdet

3 Jahre vor
Yes, great statement. I'm going to have to remember that one.
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