12 צפיות· 09/06/22· סרט ואנימציה

Top Tips to Strengthen the Immune System, with Dr. Josh Axe - The Brain Warrior's Way Podcast

71 מנויים

This episode of The Brain Warrior's Way Podcast features information, tips, and how to's on the immune system, collagen supplements, and the ketogenic diet. Dr. Josh Axe is the co-founder of the supplement company Ancient Nutrition and the author of "The Gut Repair Cookbook."

How Dr. Josh Axe’s Mother Beat Cancer Holistically, with Dr. Josh Axe
Before Josh Axe became a successful doctor, author, and public figure, his life was turned upside-down after his mother was diagnosed with cancer. The silver lining, however, was that he realized the holistic treatment methods his mother was using were getting dramatic results and needed to be shared with others. In this first episode of a series with Dr. Josh Axe, he recounts to Dr. Daniel Amen how his mother’s experience (now cancer-free) helped bring purpose to his life.

Is the Ketogenic Diet Right for You? with Dr. Josh Axe
One of the least talked about characteristics of the ketogenic diet is that it’s not for everyone. In fact, some people might feel worse on a keto diet. But for others, the keto diet is an absolute life-changer. In the second episode of a series with author Dr. Josh Axe, Dr. Axe and Dr. Amen discuss not only who can benefit from the keto diet, but how it should be used, and how long people should be on it for.

Why Collagen is Crucial to Your Health, with Dr. Josh Axe
It’s true that there are no miracle supplements, but if your body is lacking in a certain vitamin or amino acid, then supplementing it CAN have a miraculous effect. One of the most helpful supplements to take also happens to be one most people lack: collagen. In this episode of the podcast, Dr. Josh Axe and Dr. Daniel Amen explain how collagen is used in the body, and how taking a collagen supplement can be a game changer.

Top Tips to Strengthen the Immune System, with Dr. Josh Axe
There is so much misinformation out there concerning what helps and what damages the immune system that it’s often difficult to know where to start. In this final episode with “Eat Dirt” author Dr. Josh Axe, he and Dr. Daniel Amen discuss the best practical tips you can utilize today to build up your immune system to be strong and healthy.

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