20 Ansichten· 09/15/22· Komödie

What Made Me Speak Out

Dr Sherri Tenpenny
82 Abonnenten

⁣Dr. Sherri Tenpenny answers your questions.

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2 Jahre vor
Dr. T, there is a conspiracy theory that when you give the vax to a pregnant woman and/or the HepB shot to the baby within 12-24 hours of birth, if it causes a cytokine storm in a child who is vulnerable and the baby develops the brain injury known as Autism, it then appears that their problem started at birth and eliminates the phrase, "My baby was perfect before they got the shot."
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Sharon Leonard

2 Jahre vor
Great knowledge and information, thank you Dr Tenpenny, will share this. "Tenpennys from heaven" ...🌎☀️🙏🏻
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