63 Views· 09/14/22· Alternative Medicine

WHO Reform Transform Evolve or Defund & Dissolve Natural Immunity Remedies

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To WHO about How to Better Protect against future Pandemics ⁣->

Stop MASK CIRCUS -> Offer Lessons in Breathing Deeply, Slowly & being in nature
Stop Corona CHAOS -> focus on REAL Health, Natural Immunity & Global Healing
Stop Social DISTANCING ABSURDITY -> let children & adults walk, work, study & play together & in nature more often
Stop Hygiene INSANITY -> constant washing, spraying with harsh chemicals is harmful - promote the use of UV, ozone, H2O2 & natural alternatives
Stop Vac cine OBSESSION -> Enhance Natural Immunity with Natural remedies - sun, vit C & D, zinc, ozone, herbs, (homeopathy, essential oils, energy therapies)
Stop Lockdowns MADNESS -> Let people decide & choose for themselves
Stop Medical Tyranny, Endless Jabs & Useless Boosters-> Focus on REAL Health & disease Prevention
Stop Forcing Vac cine LUNACY on Individuals & Countries -> Promote TRUE Health instead
Stop Giving Wrong Advice & Contradictive Rules -> Drop the past & DO BETTER
Stop using Paid Science & Hidden (but obvious) Political Agendas - use reliable data & facts
Stop Bribes & Corruption -> BE Transparent & Independent
Stop being funded by Vac cine making Corporations & Foundations - use those billions for massive healing (physical, mental, emotional & spiritual)
Stop letting Criminal Pharmas profits - Pfizer had $90+ billions alone! NO More!
Stop praising China & extorting other countries - let each country be sovereign & respect their choices (Those with lowest vax rates have the best health outcomes)
Stop hiding the facts & ignoring major errors -> acknowledge the Truth & act upon it
Stop controlling & censoring the truth tellers & whistle blowers - be honest & upfront
Stop denying the effectiveness of medications that work & save lives - use them instead of harmful & often lethal vac cines
Stop pretending to be the Ultimate Health Authority after so many failures, millions of victims & outrageous global emergency declarations - let people, communities & countries decide what is best & healthiest for them
Stop causing harm & preventable deaths esp from vaccines -> change vac cine pushing with immunity enhancing therapies
Stop causing more stress & massive mental illness -> encourage de-stressing, practicing calm & meditations, social gatherings, community circles, celebrations
Stop facilitating bankrupting millions of people & small businesses worldwide - let people work, meet, study & interact freely & without absurd rules & regulations
Stop Ruling & Mandating -> Use More Humor :)

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