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#1 Reason You Are UNHAPPY: The Happiness Paradox - Matthew Kelly

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#1 Reason You Are UNHAPPY: The Happiness Paradox - Matthew KellyGet Matthew’s 60 Second Wisdom delivered to your inbox: https://www.matthewkelly.com/subscribeVideo Transcript:“There are four aspects to the human person: physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual. Physically, when you exercise regularly, sleep regularly, eat the right sorts of foods, and balance your diet, how do you feel? You feel fantastic. You feel more fully alive. You’re healthier, happier, and you have a richer, more abundant experience of life. Emotionally, when you give focus and priority to your relationships, what happens? You switch the focus off yourself and onto others. As you do, your ability to love increases... and as your ability to love increases, your ability to be loved increases. You become more aware of yourself, develop a more balanced view of life, and experience a deeper sense of fulfillment. You’re healthier and you’re happier. Intellectually, when you take ten or fifteen minutes a day to read a good book, what happens? Your vision of yourself expands; your vision of the world expands. You become more focused, more alert, and more vibrant. Clarity replaces confusion. You feel more fully alive, and you are happier. Finally, spiritually, when you take a few moments each day to step into the classroom of silence and reconnect with yourself and with your God, what happens? The gentle voice within grows stronger, and you develop a deeper sense of peace, purpose, and direction. You’re healthier, you’re happier, and you have a richer experience of life. Physically, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually, we know the things that infuse our lives with passion and enthusiasm. We know the things that make us happy. We just don’t do them. It doesn’t make sense, does it? On the one hand, we all want to be happy. On the other hand, we all know the things that make us happy. But we don’t do those things. Why? Simple. We are too busy. Too busy doing what? Too busy trying to be happy. This is the paradox of happiness that has bewitched our age. Perhaps it is time to slow down. Maybe a better future involves less rather than more.”If you have not read LIFE IS MESSY, order your copy today: https://amzn.to/2TTgZKn Subscribe to Matthew’s YouTube Channel today! https://www.youtube.com/c/Matt....hewKellyAuthor/featu Matthew’s 60 Second Wisdom delivered to your inbox: https://www.matthewkelly.com/subscribe The Best Version of Yourself and 60 Second Wisdom are registered trademarks.#MatthewKelly #BestVersionOfYourself #BestVersion #ThoughtLeader

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