24 Views· 01/01/23· Motivation

A Kind of Prayer for Suffering and Anxiety: Centering Down, Demonstrated

14 Subscribers

I've found this Quaker traditional prayer to be very helpful when dealing with anxiety.

Celebration of Discipline: ⁣https://amzn.to/3VEJHZo

⁣Do you know that as Jesus brought Salvation to this world through His Suffering, Death, and Resurrection, we are called to share in His sacrifice through the crosses we must bear?

Each one of us is graced with the privilege of joining Jesus on a tiny sliver of His Cross by uniting our sufferings, sacrifices, and temptations with His own.

Through His Divine Mercy, we are blessed each day with the opportunity to offer the Lord our hardships to alleviate the anguish and sorrow of others, drawing both them and ourselves so much closer to Him!

We invite you to learn more about this miraculous gift. Please
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2 years ago
Wonderful! Thank you once again, Alyce-Kay! Toward the end of the video, you mentioned that we should expect spiritual attack. What do you mean by spiritual attack? Can we avoid it? How can we guard ourselves against it? How can we overcome it?
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2 years ago
Good question! Spiritual attack is when Satan (or his minions) try to keep us from doing what God wants. Sometimes, it's a direct attack, like making traffic heavy so we are late for church . Other times, it can be indirect -- things that discourage us or thoughts that make it harder for us to believe that God can use us. It can also be temptation. The best way to avoid attack is to not do what God wants you to do -- AND I DON'T ADIVSE THAT. If you're doing what God wants you to do, Satan WILL attack. In fact, it can be a great indication that you're on the right track. The best way to guard yourself against it AND to overcome it is to stay close to the Lord in prayer and His Word ... and find someone you can trust to call on when you're under attack. I have a close friend I do this with. We send each other an SOS message if we're undergoing attack or temptation. We can pray for each other, encourage each other, just build each other up. It really helps to have another believer to have your back! I also really like the St Michael The Archangel prayer for times like this, or just to safeguard myself- I'll post a video about it soon. Some churches pray this together after every Mass. And finally, KNOW that God is greater. Jesus said, "In this world you WILL have tribulation. But take courage: I have overcome the world." (John 16:33, emphasis mine) The Apostle John said, "Greater is He who is in you than He who is in the world." (I John 4:4) Knowing that God will win and that He can help us through spiritual attack (and He WANTS to!) is half the battle.
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2 years ago
PS - Here's the St Michael prayer that I promised you, along with some commentary about it. https://clikview.com/watch/xJAZdEtjKdEIKZo
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