173 المشاهدات· 08/30/22· كوميديا

ترخيص إدارة الحقوق (RM)

Dr. Buttar Speaks Out on THE Jab

Maria's News
225 مشتركين

Dr. Buttar known as one of the twelve doctors that spread misinformation by the Fake media, shares his concern about what the jab is doing to people.

He says, it's the worst thing that has happened compared to WWII.

Who do you believe? CNN or Dr. Buttar who has been taken down from all his social media platforms. Why the censorship?

أظهر المزيد


4 تعليقات


منذ 2 سنوات
I've known of many who have passed or gotten covid after vaccine. And still they push it. Keep fighting to get truth out.
1 0 الرد

Harold White

منذ 2 سنوات
Speak your truth Dr Buttar.
2 0 الرد

Maryam Sukaynah

منذ 2 سنوات
I do believe that healthy people do not die of covid. Most persons in my family have had covid. By the grace of God Almighty they came out of it, though some had it harder than the rest. The same is true about people and families in my social circle. We used to have vaccines which worked like the vaccine for plague in the last centuries or polio, but these days this topsy turvy science has made people test subjects to big pharma.
2 0 الرد

Bozenna Slominski

منذ 2 سنوات
Many people are completely unaware due to the lack of knowledge or ignorance; thank you for sharing! Dr. B is a true Warrior!
2 0 الرد
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