28 المشاهدات· 11/14/22· آخر

The Haunted Trail

Larry Hudson
109 مشتركين

We had fun making a haunted trail for the kids for Halloween. Ths is a daytime shot but it gives you an idea of the trail. The kids went through numerous times and then had the parents go through so they could scare them.

أظهر المزيد


1 تعليقات

Sharon Leonard

منذ 2 سنوات
The video isn't playing yet but what a great day of fun!
1 0 الرد

Larry Hudson

منذ 2 سنوات
It is up know.
1 0 الرد

Sharon Leonard

منذ 2 سنوات
@Larry Hudson: Great decorations, looks like they had lots of fun!
1 0 الرد
أظهر المزيد