23 المشاهدات· 09/12/22· الألعاب

Adventures in Reading & Fun With Phonics #1 Some activities for all letters. Practice /M/ /m/

Sharon Leonard
222 مشتركين

Fun ways to learn the letter M. Just a reminder to parents, please read whenever you can to your child. They notice so much as far as intonation and reading fluently if they hear an adult or older sibling reading to them! ⁣Have a fun day with the letter Mmmmm. Remember to practice.... M is for Mango :)
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أظهر المزيد


3 تعليقات

Dena Thorp

منذ 9 الشهور
Sharon, did you teach at one point? Good ideas to help my grandson. Thank you
1 0 الرد

Sharon Leonard

منذ 9 الشهور
Yes taught several years and I'm a Reading Specialist with M.Ed. Love children and reading!! Thanks so much Dena, hope you and your grandson have fun!!
1 0 الرد


منذ 2 سنوات
This is great!
1 0 الرد

Sharon Leonard

منذ 2 سنوات
Thanks very much!
0 0 الرد

Bozenna Slominski

منذ 2 سنوات
That's lovely what you do, Sharon
2 0 الرد

Sharon Leonard

منذ 2 سنوات
Thanks Bozenna!
0 0 الرد
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