33,739 विचारों· 05/01/23· समाचार और राजनीति
More Than 3 Years BEFORE MSM - Dr Rashid A Buttar
More than 3 years before the main stream media was willing to confront the truth behind COVID, Dr Buttar told the world the truth. But as many times in history, the truth was censored. All truths go through 3 phases: first, ridicule, then violent opposition and finally, acceptence as if it has always been known to be the truth.
Dr Buttar to this day is referred to as a "conspiracy theorist" physician. But as we're witnessing, the difference between a "conspiracy" and reality, appears to be approximately 3 years. Watch this video. Then share it far and wide with family and friends, neighbors and co-workers. Do not be passive. It's time for everyone to become more active and participate in the awakening taking place now.
Additionally, consider attending the 5th Annual Advanced Medicine Conference where Dr. Buttar, along with another dozen or so incredible and well respected researchers and physicians, will provide you with life changing information.
The conference is always held over Memorial Day Weekend, this year falling on the weekend of May 27th to May 29th, 2023 and will be held in St. Louis, Missouri.
Visit www.AdvancedMedicineConference.com and get your tickets today. And on checkout, enter DrButtar to enjoy an additional 10% discount on the tickets.
But for even a bigger discount,
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