5,786 Views· 03/02/23· News & Politics

Conspiracy Theorists Proved Right Again - FBI Director Confirms Covid Origins

Dr Rashid A Buttar
2,015 Subscribers

What's the difference between a "conspiracy theory" and the truth? Usually about 18 months. In this case, it was 3 years. Dr Buttar was interviewed by Next News Network in mid April 2020. That full inteview can be seen ⁣https://clikview.com/v/FyVRzz?ref=DrButtar, and went viral with 9.2 million views in the first 6 days before YouTube took it down. The reason it was taken down? Because it was a "conspiracy theory".

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Kim Outten

2 years ago
Of course!!! Important to know that much of what we are seeing play out in our news media is show!!!!
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Sheri Schroeder

2 years ago
And these journalists say these words with such straight faces...it would be laughable if it wasn't so deplorable.
1 0 Reply


2 years ago
hopefully people will finally wake up.
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Fran Gourdet

2 years ago
Thank you, Dr. Buttar for sharing the truth. And we are still calling it a pandemic three years later? I thought we were done! Mercy! 2 steps forward and 1 step back. I guess it's still progress.
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Larry Hudson

2 years ago
Truth is moving forward!
1 0 Reply
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