33 Visninger· 12/14/22· Nyheder & Politik
Dr Masanori Fukushima, Professor at Kyoto University confronts Japan's Ministry of Health
Dr Masanori Fukushima, Professor Emeritus at Kyoto University, warns about vax harms, confronts Japan's Ministry of Health.
"You are ignoring science! It's a disaster. You spend billions on the vaccine & force people to inject it...due to the vax, natural immunity has been suppressed"
“People are already doing research all over the world,” Fukushima told health ministers during a conference earlier this month. “Japan’s prestige is at stake. You have vaccinated so many people. And yet, only 10% of the members of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, who are leading members of the vaccine campaign have been vaccinated. Is this a fucking joke?”
This video was taken at a meeting held at the House of Representatives First Members' Office on November 25, 2022, sponsored by the "Bipartisan Parliamentarians' Federation for Child Vaccination and Vaccine Aftereffects".
As Dr. Fukushima reads out the conclusion of the paper "Given the large number of individuals who have been vaccinated and the wide range of adverse outcomes discussed so far, it will ultimately cost billions of lives. may be at risk.”
[Who is Dr. Masanori Fukushima]
* Director and Chairman of Translational Research Centerfor Medical Innovation (TRI),
* Director and Chairman of Foundation forBiomedical Research and Innovation at Kobe(FBRI),
* Professor Emeritus of Kyoto University.
1973: M.D. Faculty of Medicine, Nagoya University
1979: Ph.D. Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University
[福島雅典 プロフィール]
* 京都大学名誉教授。
1973年 名古屋大学医学部卒業。
1978年 愛知県がんセンター病院内科診療科医長。
2000年 京都大学大学院医学研究科薬剤疫学分野教授。
2002年 京都大学医学部附属病院探索医療センター教授。
2003年 先端医療振興財団臨床研究情報センター長。
2013年 先進医療振興財団・医療イノベーション推進(TRI)センター長。
2020年 一般社団法人LHS研究所 代表理事
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