Best Doctors: Interviews&R.. - Sharon Leonard
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14 Views· 05/29/23· Alternative Medicine
Fauci versus Malhotra - who do you believe? (links to the truth below)
When did Fauci become the US dictator of vaccines? Why did people rush to do whatever he would say? Were people so frightened by media propaganda and imbellishment, that they ran to do whatever this small man would mandate/dictate? --Stay vigilant for round 2. If you get sick, trust the doctors who asked questions and fought Big Pharma billionaires and a corrupt medical establishment which caused millions of deaths, through 'protocols' and 'mandates' not to mention their 'gain of f..' that created this mess in the first place. Latest research-- 1 in 13 adversely affected by this jab, See https://clikview.com/v/i3I6Nr?....ref=1762673293644737 And watch: https://clikview.com/v/AIMqHI?....ref=1762673293644737