Best Doctors: Interviews&R.. - Sharon Leonard
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32 Views· 04/18/23· Alternative Medicine
Monumental Win Against One World Government Control (CHD.TV Robert F Kennedy Jr)
LINK BELOW Collier County passes the first 'Health Freedom Bill of Rights' on the local level to protect its citizens from future tyrannical mandates issued by a dictatorial government and supported by a scripted media. Local citizens became active in creating awareness and communicating to the county commissioners, respectfully educating them on the Covid Tyranny taking place in hospitals and beyond. They sought out speakers such as Dr Anthony D'Agostino, Dr Yiachos, Karen Kingston, and more. -Getting involved at the LOCAL level matters. -Also, the event at Destiny Church was phenomenal in raising awareness. Dr Pavlesky, Dr Yiachos and many more shared slides and valuable information. (video credits: CHD.TV -RobertFKennedyJr)
"Dr. Yiachos and Scott Kiley join the ‘Tea Time’ hosts, this week, to outline their successful efforts made in protecting human rights. The ordinance and resolution they passed with the county commission in Collier County Florida is one that works as an example for advocacy efforts across the country. What strategies were successful, and how were the WHO, patient rights and vaccine passports involved? Watch to find out!" (CHD.TVwith Aimee Villella McBride & Nadera Lopez-Garrity) link:
Maria's News
2 years agoSharon Leonard
2 years ago