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Lawyer, Physician, Jan 6th “Rioter” | Dr. Simone Gold | EP 518
(Credits: Jordan B Peterson) Jordan Peterson sits down with physician and lawyer, Dr. Simone Gold. They discuss her personal story of becoming both a doctor and a lawyer, running an ER clinic through the Ebola scare, why she spoke out during the COVID pandemic, how the machine attempted to destroy her public image, January 6th, being raided and imprisoned by the U.S. Government, and why she will not back down.
Dr. Simone Gold, MD, JD, is America’s expert voice of common sense and scientific clarity in the information war against Medical Marxism. Dr.Gold is an emergency physician, Stanford University - educated attorney, and the visionary who led the pivotal press conference event that broke the spell of the corona virus panic in 2020. Creating the most viral moment in modern media history, Dr. Gold became the founder of America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS), the nation’s premier medical civil liberties organization. The mission of AFLDS is to provide independent information from the world’s top experts in medicine and law, empowering people to protect their health and exercise their inalienable and Constitutionally guaranteed rights.
This episode was filmed on December 23rd, 2024
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For Dr. Simone Gold:
X https://x.com/drsimonegold
Watch the film “What is A Doctor?” here https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/whatisadoctor
“I Do Not Consent: My Fight Against Medical Cancel Culture” (book) https://a.co/d/0k7mpnw
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| Chapters |
(0:00) Coming up
(0:46) Intro
(3:43) Early academic success in both medical and law school
(8:59) Physicians and scientists are fundamentally different in nature
(16:21) Critical thinking: “Doctor’s don’t know how to analyze data critically”
(19:40) The rules changed - understanding the shift in medical training and it’s consequences
(24:05) Disparate expertise: how a doctor understands the law and vice versa
(27:52) Naivety and government: “They knew, but couldn’t get the job done.”
(30:45) “Systemantics” - a brilliant book if you want to think like a scientist, one obvious red flag for a failing system
(33:43) Why the most productive people are not in politics
(35:28) This realization changed everything for Dr. Gold
(39:25) Raised by a good doctor, in shock at what the profession has become
(41:22) Why it’s so easy to write people off, peculiar destinies
(44:04) Zero complaints as an ER doctor, then the pandemic hit
(48:29) A disappointing fact of human nature: fear and personal risk
(51:38) Signs of medical leadership failures in 2014 during the Ebola scare
(56:07) We knew about Hydroxychloroquine in February of 2020: “it was patently obvious”
(1:04:40) Why they really condemned a known life-saving drug
(1:06:40) The Lancet got it completely wrong and pushed a fake study
(1:10:04) Finding like-minded doctors online, speaking in front of the Supreme Court
(1:13:21) Fired from both jobs for speaking out, “I stand on truth”
(1:20:33) Unexpected aid from the Christian church
(1:23:05) The consequences of living in a perpetual lie
(1:29:58) Vaccine mandates: overruling doctors and parents
(1:40:56) January 6th: booked as a speaker
(1:43:19) “I was swept into the building”
(1:47:11) When the FBI raided her home and arrested her, law-fare and theater
(1:50:11) Going to trial in the District of Columbia, “the judge should have recused himself”
(1:55:56) Sentenced to 60 days in maximum prison, the moment Dr. Gold realized her country considered her an enemy
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Peterson Academy https://petersonacademy.com
ARC https://www.arcforum.com
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