172 بازدیدها· 05/01/23· اخبار و سیاست

MagicDichol Last Day Events News - May 1, 2023 Billy Te Kahika with Vinny Eastwood.

Billy Te Kahika
44 مشترکین

An interesting discussion between two of NZ's true fighters for freedom and truth, Billy Te Kahika and Vinny Eastwood.

Both Billy and Vinny protested against Covid lockdown harm in August 2021 and were arrested and found guilty of breaking what should be the obsolete Covid-19 laws in December 2022. In March 2023 both men were sentenced to jail - Billy Te Kahika to 5 months and Vinny Eastwood to 4 months.

Billy Te Kahika was the political phenom of the 2020 General Elections where he stood up against Government Covid tyranny, Globalism and Communism.

Billy is a family man, a Pastor and former member of the New Zealand Police and New Zealand Army and has been a long time contributor to community well being for 30 years.

He has no previous convictions and a sentence to 5 months jail is the harshest sentence given in New Zealand with Vinny's the second, for protesting in New Zealand against Covid restrictions. Both men are out on appeal bail and will appear again for these charges on July 31, 2023.

Please support our petition to show the Government this severe sentence is tyranny and not justice here: ⁣https://www.change.org/p/justice-for-billy-tk-and-vinny-eastwood?recruiter=1303784880&recruited_by_id=30d92c50-d2c6-11ed-98b5-499d6bc1ce8c&utm_source=share_petition&utm_campaign=share_petition&utm_medium=email.

Feel free to contact Billy at: billy@ibc.net.nz.

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