7 ভিউ· 11/23/24· সংবাদ ও রাজনীতি
"Go to HELL - You’re Not Stopping Me!” Jordan Peterson On Trump, Putin & More
(credits: Piers Morgan Uncensored) There are very few people walking the earth today who can claim to have engaged the minds of millions in the way that Jordan Peterson has; and his influence isn’t based on political power or obscene wealth, but his diamond-cut intellect. Having garnered notoriety from his decidedly anti-mainstream takes on news and culture, Peterson has been tempered by the fires of public opinion and left stronger than ever.
That isn’t to say however that the man is made from stone, and when the conversation turns to his father, and by extension fatherhood, Peterson has no shame in letting the tears flow. Together, he and Piers Morgan conjure up a meaty dialogue on Trump, America, family and God.
00:00 - Introduction
01:05 - On being 'hated'
09:50 - On Trump's new administration
14:05 - Peterson's impact on young men
19:00 - Peterson's emotional response to his father's death
32:55 - Does Peterson believe in God?
39:40 - Peterson vs Richard Dawkins
46:55 - A middle finger response to Trump critics
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