16 Lượt xem· 12/11/22· Tin tức & Chính trị

The Power of the Everyday Person | James O'Keefe

Jeremy Slate
1 Người đăng ký

The Power of the Everyday Person ⁣Full Episode: https://youtu.be/OqGLlytO-kU

About This Episode:
James O’Keefe is an award-winning journalist and writer. He is the founder and President of both Project Veritas and Project Veritas Action, non-profit organizations dedicated to investigating corruption, dishonesty, waste and fraud in both public and private institutions.

James O’Keefe’s investigations have led directly to the passage of new legislation, federal and state investigations, congressional inquiries, the defunding of taxpayer-funded groups, resignations, firings, restraining, arrests and disciplinary actions.

O’Keefe’s series of voter fraud exposés inspired several states to reform their election laws, forced resignations in Washington, and pushed FBI and Department of Justice officials to defend themselves before federal lawmakers.

His investigation into ACORN led to the group’s collapse. He caused a Planned Parenthood Vice President to be fired, National Public Radio executives to be fired, an Enroll America director to be fired, Medicaid worker retraining, an investigation into Battleground Texas, and Congressional field hearings into Obamacare navigator fraud.

The Nation magazine wrote, “O’Keefe’s influence on voting rights opponents and legislators alike is particularly jarring.” Slate.com agreed, “O’Keefe has had more of an impact on the 2012 election than any other journalist.”

During the 2016 election cycle, both Project Veritas and Project Veritas Action released videos exposing key Democrats not only admitting that voter fraud exists, but also showing how to successfully commit it on a massive scale. One result was that a New York City Democratic election commissioner was forced out of his position by Mayor de Blasio and the New York Assembly.

He is the recipient of the Robert Novak Award for Journalistic Excellence

Find out more about James at:
American Muckraker: Rethinking Journalism for the 21st Century: https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B09MZT572B&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_2H2DCNMM3722HY4MA3EN
Project Veritas: https://www.projectveritas.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jamesokeefeiii/

See the Show Notes:

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Audible: Get a free 30 day free trial and 1 free audiobook from thousands of available books. Right now I’m reading “Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections” by Mollie Hemingway https://www.jeremyryanslate.com/book_ James O'Keefe.mp4

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