10 Views· 03/18/23· News & Politics

Third Temple Is Finally Being Built But Now Something Just Emerged

Maria's News
225 Subscribers

The establishment of a third temple on the Temple Mount by Jews is now a source of contention between Arabs and Israelis. The location of the second Temple is now occupied by an Islamic monument known as the Dome of the Rock. The Al-Aqsa Mosque is another Islamic construction on the Temple Mount. Although Israel has ruled the region since 1967, the site's management is under Jordanian custodianship, and Arabs are passionately opposed to constructing a Jewish temple on this ancient site. Muslims refer to Mount al-Haram al-Sharif, which means 'Noble Sanctuary,' as the location from whence Muhammad ascended to heaven. Some Jews think the Third Temple will be a significant part of their future and are actively trying to build it. Others consider it a sign of optimism and regeneration, and they draw inspiration from it in their everyday lives.

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